How Dental Implants Help Those Who Let Poor Flossing Cause Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is a problem that many people experience over their life. Unfortunately, there are many different conditions that may cause this problem. One of the most common of these problems is likely poor flossing. So many people ignore flossing that it is nearly considered an epidemic. Thankfully, dental implants can help with this problem in many different ways.

Poor Flossing May Lead to Early Tooth Loss

Though dentists tell their clients time and time again to floss regularly to protect their oral health, most people ignore this fact. Unfortunately, this makes a lack of flossing one of the most common causes of lost teeth. For example, a person may brush their teeth every day but ignore flossing and let a myriad of food types get between their teeth, sit there, and end up rotting and decaying their teeth and much more.

Sadly, this problem can occur to people at just about any age. Young children who don't floss may lose their baby teeth faster and adults who don't floss may lose several teeth at a young age. As a result, it is critical to seriously consider treatment options. And if a person has already lost teeth and wants to stop the domino-effect that may cause further tooth loss, dental implants may be a necessity.

Why to Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial teeth designed to fill individual holes in a person's smile. Each is designed to be quite strong and to fit snugly into a jaw without difficulty. As a result, a person can not only make their smile complete but also make it easier to floss their teeth and prevent further damage. This benefit is one that should impress those who lose teeth and decide to up their flossing game.

Even better, dental implants can help keep a smile strong and avoid damage to the structure of the jaw. That's because missing teeth may end up causing the jaw to sag or make other teeth shift into the missing spot. By filling these up quickly — and by paying attention to the importance of flossing — a person can keep their dental implants strong and safe from damage for years to come.

And since dental insurance should cover implants — if they are needed for medical purposes — a person may be able to bypass the sometimes pricey costs that they require. That's why it is critical to talk to a dentist about this procedure to learn more. Most dentists should be capable of convincing insurance companies that their patients need implants to keep their teeth strong.
