Knowing Your Cavity Risks And How To Reduce Them

If your dentist finds a cavity in your mouth during every six-month dental visit, then you have a high cavity risk. This means that cavities will continue to develop within the teeth over time. There are quite a few things that can contribute to your cavity risk. Keep reading to learn what they are and how you can minimize these risks.  What Are Your Cavity Risks? Your genetics play a huge role in whether or not you will develop cavities in the teeth. Read More 

How Do You Keep Your Dental Implant Clean?

Dental implants are wonderful restorations since they are permanent and can last a long time. Before you undergo a dental implant procedure, you should learn how to take care of your implant at home and why regular appointments are so important for implant care. At-Home Dental Implant Care After your doctor gives you the go-ahead, you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day after healing. Read More 

Three Signs Of Gum Disease You May Not Know About

When people think about gum disease and its signs and symptoms, oftentimes their minds gravitate to things like bleeding gums and redness. While it's true that these are frequent symptoms of gum disease both mild and severe, there are other symptoms that you should keep an eye out for, as well. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should consider seeing a dentist for treatment. Bad Breath Read More 

Learn How Your Diabetes May Affect Your Teeth And Gums

If you've recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be frustrated by swings in your blood sugar that you can't seem to control. It takes time to learn how to adjust your diet and medications so your blood sugar stays in the normal range. It's important to keep trying, since high blood sugar can harm your body in many ways. It can even affect the health of your teeth and gums. Read More 

3 Dental Procedures a Cosmetic Dentist Might Recommend for a Single Misshapen Tooth

If you love everything about your smile except for the shape of a single tooth, you can talk to a cosmetic dentist about options for treatment. A dental procedure could reshape the tooth or brighten its color so it blends in naturally with your other teeth when you smile. Here are three dental procedures a cosmetic dentist might recommend for your tooth. 1. Dental Bonding Bonding is one of the most affordable types of cosmetic dentistry. Read More