Are Dental Veneers Painful To Get?

Dental veneers can provide you with the appearance of a white, bright, and straight smile, but are they painful? It's understandable to be concerned. While the cosmetic benefits are definitely worth it, there's a good reason to avoid procedures that are painful. Here's the answer to your question. What They Are Dental veneers, to be clear, are just thin layers of porcelain that are applied to the surface of teeth. They're there to cover the front of each individual tooth and to make it look like it has a perfect shape, color, and alignment. Read More 

Moving? Two Tips To Help You Choose The Right Dental Office

Having a great dentist is a very comforting feeling. It's good to build a strong relationship with a dental professional who is committed to partnering with you to maintain your oral health. You may have been a little lax in the past about going to the dentist, but if you're moving to a new city and are ready to focus on maintaining healthy teeth and gums, it's important to find the right person to help you do it. Read More 

Are Braces Painful?

Braces have a tendency to look a bit intimidating. All that metal can potentially make you feel fearful or anxious that you'll be in pain throughout your treatment. The good news is that you shouldn't have to worry about this. Here's what you need to know about discomfort, pain, and braces. Pain Braces are typically painless. That isn't to say that they're always perfectly comfortable - you'll read about that in a moment - but they don't cause any pain. Read More 

The Process Of Getting Dentures

Has the time come for you to finally get dentures? If so, you're likely wondering what steps are involved when working with your dentist. Here is what you can expect to do in order to get full dentures. Mold Creation The first part of the process is to visit the dentist and have a mold taken of your mouth. Even if you still have some natural teeth left, the dentist will take a mold with those teeth so they know how the dentures will fit over them. Read More 

It Isn’t Over: Losing a Tooth Can Keep Creating Problems for Years

Losing a tooth is bad enough, whether you have to have it extracted or it simply falls out on its own. Unfortunately, that's not all you could be facing if you've had a tooth fall out and haven't had it replaced yet. Without replacement, you could be looking at continuing problems with your oral health and jaw in the years to come. Here's what you could be facing. 1. Shifting Teeth Read More