What To Do If An Accident Loosens Your Child’s Tooth

If a dental trauma can leave your child with a loose tooth, you must act quickly and appropriately to mitigate the injury. Below are the major steps to take to safeguard your child's dental health after a nasty accident. Take the Child to the Dentist As Soon As Possible Take the child to the dentist as soon as possible if you suspect tooth damage. For example, a dentist should examine the child to see if the child has a loose, cracked, or chipped tooth. Read More 

Do You Need To See A Dentist Between Cleanings?

Your cleanings occur once or twice a year or even more frequently as your dentist wishes. Dentists want their patients to have clean and healthy teeth, so when their patients need to see them between cleanings, it's a serious thing. You may not realize you need to go to the dentist. If you do, you should make an appointment right away so you can preserve your smile and keep your health intact. Read More 

Not Sure If You Should Go For Single Tooth Dental Implants? 4 Reasons Why You Should

Bridges and crowns are the commonly recommended solutions for tooth loss. However, there are certain circumstances where these alternatives might not work, necessitating the installation of replacement tooth roots. Single-tooth implants are a great solution that solves the problem of missing teeth permanently. These are the four main reasons you should consider getting single-tooth dental implants.  They're Directly Inserted into the Jawbone  The dentist inserts the tooth implants directly into the jawbone. Read More 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Temporarily Reattaching Your Dental Crown

While dental crowns are designed to be extremely durable, it is possible for one of these crowns to come off either as the result of oral trauma or due to aging adhesives. If your dental crown comes off, you will need to see your dentist as soon as possible to have this crown reattached properly. Unfortunately, it may not always be possible to drop what you are doing and head to your dentist's office. Read More 

4 Tips To Lower Your Risk Of Dental Implant Failure

A dental implant constitutes a metal fitting that replaces the root of your missing tooth. Dental implants fuse with your jawbone to provide stability and support. Your orthodontist uses dental implants to fix dental malocclusions such as missing teeth. Dental implants work well, but failures can occur if risk factors are present. Here are some tips to help lower the risk of early implant failure: 1. Practice Proper Dental Hygiene  Read More